Doris, having decided that taking a degree in English in Germany just wasn't
Map of paris apartments to rent. Paris! The most visited city in the world,
Maps related to Paris
This Page - Paris Apartment Vendome 2. Map of Paris
A map of the principal landmarks of Paris, France, in 1919.
Paris in 1940 (an alternative scan of the map above; scan a gift of Bernard
This map is also useful in getting a general idea of which group of pubs may
The interface for the Paris Metro Map is available in French and English.
Maps of Paris

you might call it the Paris Metro Subway Map, if you're English,
Permalink: Road Map of Paris Metro (SE) (Paris, France)
You can download Paris Metro Map in PDF.
English Speaking, Anglophone Services Directory Paris France
There's a link to a metro map too.
Nissan: Paris map

Added Paris Metro Map.
Paris City Map 75007 - getting around in Paris - Paris metro map - map of
Map of the Paris Metro. Back to Paris Maps
File:Paris Metro map.svg
The interface for the Paris Metro Map is available in French and English.